Hi! I'm Kelsey Gooden and I am the CEO and founder of Kelsey Gooden Coaching. This use to be a fully fitness website and business…but God
My fitness story:
I was overweight, rundown, and tired all the time, and I was only 21…
I could lose some weight, but it would come back and I never felt good. Ever. I was sick all the time and didn’t sleep well.
Enter in gut health. My degree in Public Health didn’t teach me anything about gut health, nor did my personal training certification. So I did some research, trusted a friend who was on a gut healing system, and got results (⬇️22lbs in 6 month and was so energetic)
I soon fell in love with the idea of providing with the whole fitness package. Fitness programming, healthy meals ideas, and holistic supplements. With the Holistically Fit Squad, I’ve been able to provide women the opportunity to feel their best while creating an amazing online community!
My Testimony:
The same gut health company that healed my gut also planted the seed in the form of a prayer call. There wasn’t a significant event moment I can pinpoint when God called me and I turned my life to Christ. I have no glamorous story to tell you. But I do hope you follow along in our Bible studies and get involved in our online ministry
I love helping women understand that their worth is not in their weight.
Bachelors of Science in Health from Southern Illinois University
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
ACE Certified in Pre and Postpartum Fitness