How to increase your metabolism
You here about it all the time…”BOOST YOUR METABOLISM” and people just run to it.
I’m not trying to burst your bubble here, but your metabolism is not slow. However, there are ways to increase it.
What is your metabolism?
The chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized.
So, we’ve all got one & there’s a way to increase it. AKA eat more calories per day. Isn’t that the goal? To eat more 😂.
Some context:
You burn calories all day, not just during your workouts. Driving, eating, digestion, working etc. all burn calories. The calories you burn during your workouts is most likely the least amount of calories that you will burn daily.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
This is important. It’s the largest contributor to the total amount of calories you burn daily.
Google definition-
The rate at which energy is used by an organism at complete rest, measured in humans by the heat given off per unit time, and expressed as the calories released per kilogram of body weight or per square meter of body surface per hour.
Basically, this is amount of calories you burn while your body is simply functioning. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest. THIS is why all my clients are on a strength training program with me. Cardio is a useful tool, but don’t forget strength training!
Want a program? Check out the Holistically Fit Squad.
So, how do we help our metabolism function optimally?
Hit your protein goal. If you’re having trouble getting protein in, supplement!
Increase your calories burned with non-exercise activities (get more steps in for example)
Increase your calories burned during exercise (cardio and lifting). Increases your number of lifting sessions will help with this. This doesn’t mean spend 7 days at the gym without rest days.
Try a Reset. Sometimes, we need a fresh start to get ball rolling. I lost my first 5lbs with Reset and continued to lose 4 more.
Words of Wisdom:
Staying in a calorie deficit for an extended period of time can decrease your BMR meaning, you have to eat less to lose more weight (not fun).
This is why I believe in having treat meals and reverse dieting (slowly increasing calories out of a deficit).
My suggestion (not a dietitian, please see a nutrition professional for an opinion): if you are in a calorie deficit for more than 4 weeks without seeing progress, it’s time to reverse diet.