What does "eating healthy" even mean?
What is “eating healthy”
And how can we do it without driving ourselves crazy.
If you google "eating healthy" you will see thousands of results. Every result is a link to a different diet swearing that this will be the last diet you ever do. That you will lose "x" amount of weight in 2 weeks guaranteed. Ladies, I know how overwhelming this can be. What diet will work? Is it safe? How long can you really restrict calories, carbs, fat, or whatever that diet wants you to avoid.
I spent years going on different diets. I spent hours tracking calories. I missed out on girls night out and hated myself when I "cheated" on my diet.
I'm here to tell you that you don't have to diet to "eat healthy." You read that right. Stoping dieting. Stop counting points, calories, and carbs. Stop tracking every morsel of food in your fitness app. Stop missing out to lunch dates, birthday parties, and holiday meals. You can lose weight and not restrict calories. You can eat carbs and fat. You can have a piece of cake at the birthday party.
So let's get to it. What does eating healthy mean? It means eating as much nutrient dense food as you want. No diets. No restrictions. Just healthy, wholesome, nutrient rich foods, everyday. My secret: I eat as much fruit as I want in the morning and as much veggies as I want in the afternoon and evening. I'm never go hungry, I feel full, and I'm getting a ton of nutrients everyday.
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